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Various pointcut expressions in Spring AOP

Below is the list of various pointcut expressions that can be used in AOP

1 – Any Method in a Specific Class:

execution(* com.sks.Employee.*(..))

2 – Any Method with a Specific Return Type:

execution(String com.sks.Employee.getName())

3 – Any Method with a Specific Parameter Type:

execution(* com.sks.Employee.setIncome(float))

4 – Any Method with No Parameters:

execution(* com.sks.Employee.*())

5 – Any Public Method in a Package:

execution(public * com.sks..*.*(..))

6 – Any Method with a Specific Annotations:

execution(* *(..)) && @annotation(com.sks.annotations.Loggable)

7 – All Methods Starting with a Specific Prefix such as get in this case:

execution(* com.sks.Employee.get*())

8 – Any Method from Any Class in a Specific Subpackage:

execution(* com.sks.subpackage..*.*(..))

9 – Any Method in All Classes:

execution(* *(..))

10 – Private Methods in a Specific Class:

execution(private * com.sks.Employee.*(..))