HTML Comments
HTML comments are snippets of text within an HTML document that are not displayed by the web browser when the page is rendered.
Comments are used to add notes or annotations to the code for the benefit of developers.
HTML comments are enclosed within <!------->
tags. Anything within these tags will be ignored by the browser when rendering the page.
HTML Comment Syntax:
<!-- Write your comments here -->
Note : There is an exclamation point (!) in the start tag, but not in the end tag.
You can comment your code instead for deleting, it will not going to display on browser.
<!-- This is a comment -->
<p>This is first paragraph.</p>
<!-- I don't need further the below code, commenting it -->
<!-- <p>kya hua tera wada</p> -->
<p>This is second paragraph.</p>
<!-- Remember to add more information here -->
- Home
- Java
- Java Fundamentals
- What is Java
- History of Java
- Java Version History
- Local Environment Set-up
- First Java Program
- How to set ‘Path’ env variable
- JDK, JRE, and JVM
- Object Oriented Programming
- Java Data Types
- Classes in Java
- Objects in Java
- Interfaces in java
- Class attributes and methods
- Methods In Java
- Variables and Constants in Java
- Java packages and Imports
- Access Modifiers In Java
- Java Operators
- Constructors in Java
- Control Statements – If else
- Control Statements – Loops
- Arrays in Java
- Java Abstraction
- Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Java Exception Handling
- Strings in Java
- File IO
- Java Miscellaneous
- Design Patterns
- Java Fundamentals
- Collections
- Multithreading
- Java New Features
- Servlet
- Spring
- Hibernate
- Architecture
- Hibernate Example
- First Hibernate Application (using xml configuration)
- First Hibernate Application (using annotations)
- JPA/HB – annotations
- Hibernate Identifiers
- Hibernate Generator Classes
- Save vs saveOrUpdate vs persist in Hibernate
- Inheritance Mapping in Hibernate
- Inheritance Mapping using annotations
- Hibernate Mapping
- Hibernate Query Language (HQL)
- HCQL Hibernate Criteria Query Language
- Hibernate Named Query
- Hibernate Caching
- Second Level Cache
- Spring Boot
- Spring Boot Basics
- Spring Boot Web
- Spring Boot Exception Handling
- Service discovery using Netflix Eureka
- Spring Boot with Swagger3
- Zuul Proxy Server + Routing
- Spring Boot Security
- Circuit Breaker using Spring Boot Hystrix
- Interservice Communication
- Spring Boot Hateoas Links Example
- Lombok api
- Spring Boot with Mongo DB
- Load Balancer in Springboot
- Spring Boot Testing
- Spring Web Flux
- Database
- Web Service
- Blog & Programs
- Docker