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HTML Paragraphs

An HTML paragraph (<p>) element is used to define a block of text or content within a webpage. A paragraph always starts on a new line.

HTML paragraph or HTML <p> tag is used to define a paragraph in a webpage. Let’s take a simple example to see how it work. 


<!DOCTYPE html>

<p>This is first paragraph.</p>  
<p>This is second paragraph.</p>  
<p>This is third paragraph.</p>  



Note : Browser automatically adds a extra blank line after each paragraph(<p>) tag.

HTML Paragraph desplay

  • In HTML paragraph, you cannot change the display by adding extra spaces or extra lines in your HTML code.
  • The browser will automatically remove any extra spaces and lines when the page is displayed.
  • The browser counts number of spaces and lines as a single one.


<!DOCTYPE html>

It is a paragraph
with multiple
lines to show the

This paragraph
has         a lot of spaces
in the this         code,
but the        browser
considering it as single space.



HTML <pre> Element:

The HTML <pre> element defines preformatted text. The text inside a <pre> element is displayed in as it is preserves both spaces and line breaks.


<!DOCTYPE html>

<h2> This is example of pre tag.</h2>
   This is my world.

   I love this world.

   You should also love this world.
   Ok this is fine     .


How to Use <hr> and <br> tag with paragraph?

  • An HTML <br> tag is used for line break and it can be used with paragraph elements. Use <br> if you want a line break (a new line) without starting a new paragraph:
  • An HTML <hr> tag is used to apply a horizontal line between two statements or two paragraphs.


<!DOCTYPE html>

<h2> This is example of br tag.</h2>
<p>The world is in danger.  
    <br>We have to save our life.
    <br>peoples are only enjoing thier life.

<h2> This is example of hr tag.</h2>
<p>The world is in danger.  
    <hr>We have to save our life.
    <hr>peoples are only enjoing thier life.
